Hope In A Bag
Program Overview
Through a sophisticated national network of professionals, volunteers, and supporters, Dignity Grows ensures hygiene support for tens of thousands of women and girls each year.
Dignity Grows is responding to the skyrocketing rate of Period Poverty across the country through a multi-tiered approach:
- Direct product support delivered through a nationwide chapter-based model, in partnership with frontline social service providers such as food pantries, homeless shelters, underserved school communities, and health clinics.
- Large-scale national research, in partnership with top academic institutions
- Data-driven social policy change, fostered by private/public collaborations
- Groundbreaking national assemblies of powerhouse philanthropic, industry and government leaders, convening for actionable change.

What’s In The Bag
Each Dignity Grows Tote is filled with a full-month supply of hygiene products and period necessities. The Totes are distributed through partner social service agencies that identify the need among their unique populations.
Each Dignity Grows Tote contains 6 comprehensive hygiene products and 2 menstrual hygiene necessities, packed in a discreet, reusable shoulder bag.
- Sanitary Pads and Panty Liners
- Shampoo
- Soap
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Deodorant
- Handwipes
“Picking up a monthly Dignity Grows Tote saves me from eating ramen noodles for an entire week. The totes have brightened my school year. Thank you to Dignity Grows for helping me without worry.”
– Community College Student
“Thank you so much for donating the Dignity Grows Totes to our pantry. You guys are sincerely improving thelives of women and families who are in need.”
– Food Pantry Manager
“Working with Dignity Grows provides women the things they need to take care of themselves and removes barriers from the ability to go to work, school, or wherever they need. Our work is important and fulfilling. I am fortunate to be part of such a profound purpose.”
– Suzanne, Volunteer