Our volunteers are the heart and soul of Dignity Grows.

There are so many reasons to volunteer!
Dignity Grows offers hope, empowerment and inspiration. Volunteers of all ages, genders and backgrounds participate in every facet of Dignity Grows’ work.
Packing Parties bring communities together to assemble Dignity Grows Totes, raise awareness and advocate for menstrual and hygiene equity.
Volunteer in your community.
Contact your local chapter to learn more about how you can get involved. Don’t forget to invite friends to join you too!
Introduce your team to our work.
Do you work for a company that encourages volunteerism? Introduce your company to Dignity Grows. Use the link below to download a factsheet.
We have chapters across the country!

“Our first Dignity Grows packing party brought young and old together with pride in knowing we were sharing a necessity with our local diverse community. I am proud to be co-chairing this new initiative!”
– Margie Black, Board Member- UJA-JCC Greenwich, CT
“When Jessica told us about the work Dignity Grows is doing, I knew I wanted to get involved. We feel so fortunate to live in our community. Giving back and spending the morning with a diverse group of committed individuals brought me joy.”
– Randi, Volunteer
“Working with Dignity Grows provides women the things they need to take care of themselves and removes barriers from the ability to go to work, school, or wherever they need. Our work is important and fulfilling. I am fortunate to be part of such a profound purpose.”
– Suzanne, Volunteer