Who does Dignity Grows serve?
- Dignity Grows serves our neighbors in need who are unable to afford comprehensive and menstrual hygiene products
- Dignity Grows supports and provides capacity for local agencies to meet the hygiene needs of their unique communities
What are the benefits of becoming a Chapter?
- Step-by-step template to set-up, organize, launch and run your chapter
- Strategic sourcing partners
- Professional support
- A growing and impactful national network
We’re interested! What do we do now?
- Complete the chapter agreement and you are on your way!
- Receive the Organizational Toolkit to share with professionals and volunteers. Zoom with Dignity Grows Inc. staff to answer your questions and prepare for your first pack
- Form a committee, invite volunteers and host your first pack
- Distribute the Dignity Grows Totes and watch your impact grow
What is in a Dignity Grows Tote?
Each branded reusable zipper-topped Dignity Grows Tote contains a month’s supply of:
- Soap
- Shampoo
- Deodorant
- Toothpaste and toothbrush
- Hand Wipes
- Maxi Pads and Pantyliners
What can I expect from my relationship with our Distribution Partners?
- Distribution Partners are your allies and with your partnerships, your chapter will thrive
- Your partners and their communities will quickly rely on the monthly totes and your volunteers will embrace the need to distribute them monthly without interruption
- Distribution Partners will help identify other agencies and their communities
- Over time, personal relationships will form and agency employees, volunteers and clients will join at Packing Parties as a means of giving back